60% rise in constipation in school children

This figure is alarming and has been reported in the news. The data comes from primary school children who have needed Movicol laxatives to manage their constipation. The end result can mean uncontrollable bowel motions that may mean incontinent episodes at school. Some children need to wear incontinence underwear which are similar in concept to nappies.

The reason for this rise in constipation in younger children is thought to be due to changes in schooling through COVID. School has always been associated with constipation in some children – the reasons tend to be related to worries using the school toilets, difficulties in getting out to the loo during classes and dietary (unhealthy food and not enough water).

Researchers are currently uncertain of the specific cause of this large increase however the increase in children requiring laxative medication is worrying for the future. Constipation that starts in early childhood can be hard to treat as an adult. The knock on effect of incontinence can also be socially isolating and frightening for a child.

It is well worth focussing on the following;

  1. healthy food/snacks
  2. lots of water to drink
  3. Exercise daily where heart rate increases

For children it may be easier for the whole family to adopt this approach. See my previous blog about kiwi fruit! My top tip for the day would be;

  1. 2 x kiwis for breakfast
  2. Run up and down the stairs 10 times
  3. Plenty of water!
  4. Good luck

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