The vagus nerve is described as the wandering nerve….it travels from our brains to the organs in our bodies. It is responsible for relaxation. It is crucial to our breathing, heart rate and digestion. It has an important role in counteracting the effects of stress and inflammation within our bodies. When we are anxious, our bodies enter into either fight/flight response or freeze mode. In both scenarios are vagal tone is reduced whilst the cortisol in our system takes over.
Neuromodulation therapy of the vagus nerve is licensed to treat drug resistant epilepsy and depression. Promising results have been reported in treatment of other conditions too – anxiety disorders, Parkinsons disease and more recently patients with Irritable bowel syndrome – constipation type. Currently there is much interest in vagal nerve stimulation in treatment of long Covid symptoms – fatigue and anxiety.
The great news is that vagal nerve stimulation can be performed easily with a specialist ear probe that attaches to a traditional TENS machine. A trial of trans-cutaneous vagal nerve stimulation can be easily performed, 2-3 times per day for 30 days. Beneficial results have been reported in patients with IBS – reduction in symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating and an increased number of bowel actions per week.
Trans-cutaneous vagal nerve stimulation therapy will shortly be available @ The McCarthy Clinic. Email us if you would like to consider this treatment option.