Why is it satisfying to do a good poo..?

thanks to possessed photography

Going to the toilet to do a poo can be a pleasurable and satisfying experience. The reason for this is due to;

1.stimulation of the vagus nerve – the vagus nerve is the largest cranial nerve in the body and it is responsible for rest and relaxation. When stimulated during defecation (doing a poo) there follows a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure leading to a feeling of light headedness and relaxation.

2. stimulation of the pudendal nerve – the pudendal nerve lives in the pelvis and is responsible for providing sensation to the anal sphincter and also the clitoris and penis. Stimulation of this nerve produces a pleasurable sensation.

3. psychological – the sensation of urgency and the need to quickly do a poo can be a powerful and often uncomfortable feeling. In addition it may add to some distress if there is not a toilet nearby. The relief at finding a toilet in time and then doing a poo leads to an instant feeling of relief.

If the bowels aren’t emptied regularly, the abdomen can become bloated and swollen which leads to loss of appetite and loss of general spring in step. Thus aiming for a daily poo not only can be satisfying and pleasure but also important in maintaining a healthy diet and zest for life.