30, is the magic number..

image courtesy of Unsplash

30 different plants a week – this is the new goal to maintain diversity within your gut microbes. The bigger our plant variety, the better our resilience to infection. Mostly our diet is too bland. For those who manage to achieve the magic 30, your energy levels, skin glow and overall mood will improve more rapidly than you think.

Is it unachievable?

It may be easier and cheaper than you think. It just requires a bit of thought and planning. Busy people don’t be put off!

Here’s a starter for 10;

  1. Include as many different coloured fruit/veg as possible – red and green apples for example. Grate carrots, beetroot and add peas to salads.
  2. Extra virgin olive oil, herbs and spices count
  3. Fruit juice and white rice don’t count – AVOID!
  4. don’t worry about portion size, focus on different colours
  5. Add nuts and seeds onto as many meals as possible
  6. Porridge for breakfast? Add Kiwi, blueberries, banana.
  7. Stir fry courgettes, mushroom, red onion, red pepper and brown rice.

Give it a try for 6 weeks and post your thoughts on how easy or not this is.